... I feel you near. Hello emotion, I see you coming my way. I'd like to invite you in, to sit with you for tea, to finally get to know you better.
For the longest time I've felt awkward around emotions, much like being around members of the opposite sex. I felt I was better equipped at handling their presence with a few swigs of liquor or a couple tokes off of a joint. While this most likely never took away my clumsiness around women or displaying emotions, it gave me the false sense of comfort to separate from my separation anxiety / to temporarily detach from my attachment disorder.
Of course I didn't realize when I first began experimenting with drugs & alcohol that I carried these fears of connection around with me, as it has taken peeling off a few layers of the onion while shedding a few burning tears to discover the underlying matters.
I just knew when I felt different or strange in social situations & that taking a mind altering substance beforehand seemed to alleviate it. Or at least give me a really good excuse for acting strange & different..
When I first sought out addiction therapy & 12 step programs, I was hopeful for deliverance from the misery & horrors of my failed attempts of using for escape. I'd figuratively & almost literally reached the end of my rope. The handful of times I used toward the end I was immediately hurling myself into certain psychosis... the shadowy people & dark figurines surrounded me.. just like the emotions & sensations I thought I could negate, they too, had me fenced in.
Hello darkness, I feel you near...
Hello shadows, I see you coming...
I had been inviting them in for tea, I had gotten to know them all too well. . .
Calling the authorities in a panic on these demons I had willingly invited inside my domain didn't ever bode well, but after multiple visits to hospitals, institutions, & jail I was eventually able to get well.
Leaning into the discomfort is a new & challenging concept to me in this area of my recovery, but I find it so utterly necessary for my growth.
To leave the past & darkness where it lies was all I knew I wanted, but recovery has given me a new design for living. Beginning with surrendering, I can now accept the things I find undesirable, things that didn't quite go the way I thought they should for me.
If I strip it all away, I still have a thinking problem. always "Thinking, thinking...." Today I have the choice to notice my thoughts as just that. I can then identify them, label them good / bad / or neutral. I no longer have to be reactive to my thoughts, while noticing the underlying emotions behind them, & furthermore the initial sensations spawning the emotion.
I can then invite them all in.
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